God is faithful. In every way. In every situation. All the time. He is faithful. We really can believe him when he says, “I will NEVER leave you OR forsake you.” But when the chips are down we usually doubt him. We doubt his faithfulness to us. When the bottom falls out of our world we doubt him. We doubt that he won’t leave us stranded. We doubt that he will take action to save us from our plight.
God wants us to trust him completely. What exactly does that mean?
God is so faithful to us that if we don’t completely trust him, he allows our trying, difficult circumstances and battles to repeat themselves so we will learn to trust him! Just as he did with the children of Israel in the desert, he brings us around to the same desert experiences over and over until we learn that he really IS trustworthy!
The longer I walk with Jesus and the closer I draw to him, the more I get to know him. The more I get to know him, the sicker I get of certain things in my life. I am sick of just knowing about him. In John 14:1, Jesus said, “Believe in me.” Not “believe things about me.” I am determined to know him! I’m sick of waiting for God to deliver me out of my circumstances. I want to be concerned with only him. I want to be “content in whatsoever state that I am in.” I’m sick of wondering and questioning and doubting God. I want it to be well with my soul.
Like Paul, I find myself wanting one thing. Just one! I am determined not to know anything , save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” When God completes that work in me, (and I am confident that he will because his word says so in Philippians 1:6) then I, like Paul, see myself able to shake the venomous snake off my arm and into the fire. Anything that tries to rob, kill, or destroy the life of Christ in me, such as doubt, fear, worry, shame, guilt, anything – it will not harm me.
More and more I am learning to care less and less about the things of this world. This world is temporal. It is not where I will be living for eternity. So why would I or should I invest my time and energy into the things of this world? More and more his Spirit in me helps me to turn my thoughts toward the things above, not things on earth. That is where I want my treasures to be laid up.
Oh God, complete your work in me.
“I want to see you Jesus as you are, not what I think, but who you really are. That I be changed just by knowing you, to see you face to face and behold you.”